Welcome to G.R.O.W Weekly by me, Pete Johnson. 

What are two things that can have significant effects on you, even if you don’t pay any attention to them? 

  1. Your Health and,

  2. Your Wealth

Like it or not, these can dramatically impact your quality of life and what you are able to do throughout your lifetime. 

Instead of letting these factors control your life and determine what you are able to do, it’s time to take control of them. Each Wednesday, you will receive a complimentary issue of G.R.O.W Weekly designed to help you grow in these two areas.

In addition, each issue will come with a bonus topic that will spark your curiosity. And the best part - it’s completely free.

It’s time to start taking control of your health, your finances, and your life. 

1 day a week

2 topics + 1 bonus

= 3 chances to learn something that can better your life. 

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Getting Richer On Wednesdays (Financial and Personal Growth)


Financial Writer. Equity Analysis. Personal and Professional Growth.